Teacher Evaluation of Dollar Bay        



Grade Level___________________­_

Number of Students______________



We would like your feedback after interacting with Dollar Bay. Feel free to express both your positive and negative opinions of this game. We welcome your comments to help make further improvements for this ongoing project. 


Please circle a number to rate the following statements after participating in Dollar Bay.


1 = strongly disagree

2 = disagree

3 = neutral

4 = agree

5 = strongly agree


1. The initial demonstration given left me feeling comfortable to play the game without assistance.


1          2          3          4          5


2. The game was complex to learn.


1          2          3          4          5


3. Dollar Bay had a clear goal.


1          2          3          4          5


4. The graphics in Dollar Bay were appealing and appropriate for your students.


1          2          3          4          5



5. The game remained challenging during the time your students worked with it.


1          2          3          4          5


6. There was too much detail in the game.


1          2          3          4          5


7. Finding suppliers and purchasing inventory was easy.


1          2          3          4          5


8. The students found it was easy to navigate around the Dollar Bay site


1          2          3          4          5


Questions about the Students reaction to the game


9. The students understood why their scores changed.


1          2          3          4          5


10. The students liked the concept of the game.


1          2          3          4          5


11. The students became frustrated while playing the game.


1          2          3          4          5


12. The students would play this game again.


1          2          3          4          5


13. The students were able to get useful help while playing the game.


1          2          3          4          5



Please indicate your answer by circling your choice


14. Was it easy to obtain information about the town and population?


a.         Yes

b.         No



15. Was it useful to use market research?


a.         Yes

b.         No


16. Would you use this game again next year?


a.         Yes

b.         No


17. Were the images of the shoppers and inventory appropriate for your grade?


a.         Yes

b.         No


18. Did the students use the email feature?


a.         Yes

b.         No


19. Did the students talk to each other online while playing the game?


a.         Yes

b.         No


18. Estimate the total hours the students individually worked on the project?


a.         1-5 hours

b.         6-10 hours

c.         11-15 hours

d.         16-20 hours    

e.         20+ hours


19. Estimate how much time was spent on the game each day.


a.         0-10 Minutes

b.         11-20 Minutes

c.         21-30 Minutes

d.         31-40 Minutes

e.         40+ Minutes


20. Did the online chat feature benefit the students? If so, how?






21. Was there any negative feedback received from the students? If so, please explain.






22. Please list what you liked most about the game.





23. Please list what you disliked about the game.





24. Feel free to write any additional comments.






Interview Questions:


1. How beneficial was the training and support? What was your impression of the college students that came to your classroom? Was the help sufficient?


2. Did you find the lesson plan helpful? If not, how would you change the lesson plan to fit the structure of the class better?


3. What did you see as the objective of the game?  Compare this to the goal of the game.


4. Knowing the grade level of your students, how do you feel about the amount of detail in the game?


5. Would you recommend this game to other teachers? If so, Why?


6. What features could be added to the game to make it more interesting or easier to understand?


7. If the students worked small groups, what do you feel would be the outcome of the game would be? Do you feel the students would benefit from this type of learning?


8. Feel free to write any additional comments.


9. Would you mind if someone contacted you for a follow-up interview? If so, please provide your contact information.